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Europäisches Satelliten-Zapping & -Verzeichnis
Thor 7 (0.8°W) Transponder 23

Satellitenposition Satellit Norad .ini News Sender Nur FTA Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Letzte Aktualisierung
0.8°W Thor 7 40613 41 4 0.67°W -0.01° 0.01° N/A N/A 2025-03-11 15:55
0.8°W Thor 5 32487 257 55 0.75°W 0.02° 0.04° N/A N/A 2025-03-17 19:24
0.8°W Thor 6 36033 602 55 0.85°W 0.00° 0.01° N/A N/A 2025-03-29 05:16
0.8°W Intelsat 10-02 28358 67 13 1°W 0.01° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-18 15:41

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22 Eintragung(en) - Sortieren nach Frequenz - Die letzten Aktualisierungen: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
0.8°W 22Thor 7 12149.00V23EuropeDVB-S28PSK30000 3/4M7 Group, 66.8 Mb/s 1536716 KingOfSat charts update form
Sport 2 HD Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31401 1001 1011 cze
1012 slk 
1000  1001    2024-03-05
Arena Sport 1 HD Slowakei Sport Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31402 1101 1111 slk  1100  1101    2024-01-09 +
History HD Europe England Geschichte Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31403 1201 1211 hun
1212 cze
1213 eng
1214 slk 
1200  1201    2024-01-09 +
4! Story TV Ungarn Allgemein Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31404 1301 1311 cze
1312 hun 
1300  1301    2024-01-09 +
JOJ Sport HD Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31405 1401 1411 slk
1412 qaa 
1400  1401    2024-03-05
CNBC Europe England Wirtschaft Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31406 1501 1511 eng  1500  1501    2024-01-09 +

Bloomberg Europe England Wirtschaft Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31407 1601 1611 eng  1600  1601    2024-01-09 +
Fashion TV
Frankreich Lebensstil Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31408 1701 1711 eng  1700  1701    2024-01-09 +
Arena 4 HD Hungary Ungarn Sport Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31409 1801 1811 hun  1800  1801    2025-03-01 +
ČT Art
Tschechien Kulturell Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31410 1901 1911 cze
1912 qaa 
1900  1901  1961  2024-04-09 +
Tschechien Lebensstil Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31410 1901 1911 cze
1912 qaa 
1900  1901  1961  2024-04-09 +
Prima Krimi Tschechien Serien Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31411 2001 2011 cze
2012 cze 
2000  2001    2024-04-09 +
Paramount Network Czech Tschechien Unterhaltung Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31412 2101 2111 cze  2100  2101    2024-04-09 +
FilmBox Baltic unbestimmtes Kino Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31413 2201 2211 cze  2200  2201    2024-04-09 +
TV Paprika CZ/SK Tschechien Küche Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31414 2301 2311 cze  2300  2301    2024-04-09 +
Sport 1 HD Czech Tschechien Sport Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
31415 2401 2411 cze
2412 slk 
2400  2401    2024-04-09 +
Duna TV
Ungarn Allgemein Digi TV
Focus Sat
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31416 2501 2511 hun  2500  2501  2561  2024-04-09 +
M4 Sport HD Ungarn Sport Digi TV
Focus Sat
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31417 2601 2611 hun  2600  2601  2661  2024-04-09 +
Kolyokklub Ungarn Variabel Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31418 2701 2711 hun  2700  2701    2023-12-14 +
RTL Otthon Ungarn Variabel Focus Sat Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
31419 2801 2811 hun  2800  2801    2023-12-14 +
Sport 2 HD Czechia Tschechien Sport M7 Nagravision 3 31422 1001 1011 cze
1012 slk 
3100  1001    2023-11-29 +
JOJ Sport HD Slowakei Sport M7 Nagravision 3 31423 1401 1411 slk
1412 qaa 
3200  1401    2023-11-29 +

Detailed transponder stream properties (12149.00 V)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Letzte Aktualisierung
31401 1001 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31401 1011 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31401 1012 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31402 1101 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31402 1111 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31403 1201 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31403 1211 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31403 1212 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31403 1213 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31403 1231 DVB Subtitle 2025-03-29
31404 1301 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31404 1311 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31404 1312 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31405 1401 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31405 1411 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31405 1412 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31406 1501 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31406 1511 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31407 1601 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31407 1611 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31408 1701 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31408 1711 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31409 1801 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31409 1811 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31410 1901 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31410 1901 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31410 1911 AC-3 2025-03-29
31410 1911 AC-3 2025-03-29
31410 1912 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31410 1912 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31410 1961 Teletext 2025-03-29
31410 1961 Teletext 2025-03-29
31411 2001 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31411 2011 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31411 2012 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31412 2101 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31412 2111 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31413 2201 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31413 2211 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31414 2301 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31414 2311 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31415 2401 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31415 2411 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31415 2412 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31416 2501 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31416 2511 AC-3 2025-03-29
31416 2561 Teletext 2025-03-29
31417 2601 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31417 2611 AC-3 2025-03-29
31417 2661 Teletext 2025-03-29
31418 2701 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31418 2711 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29
31419 2801 AVC N/A N/A FPS 2025-03-29
31419 2811 MPEG Audio 2025-03-29

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