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Europäisches Satelliten-Zapping & -Verzeichnis
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) - Alle Übertragungen

Satellitenposition Satellit Norad .ini News Sender Nur FTA Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Letzte Aktualisierung
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 37393 123 115 52.49°E -0.01° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-24 20:13

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137 Eintragung(en) - Sortieren nach Frequenz - Die letzten Aktualisierungen: 2025-03-24 20:13 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
52.5°E 1Yahsat 1A 11727.00V1MENADVB-S28PSK
Stream 0
27500 AUTONAN b/s 652811 KingOfSat charts update form
Service01 FFmpeg Frei 1 256 257 aac  4096  256    2023-07-08
52.5°E 6Yahsat 1A 11747.00H2EastDVB-S28PSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 1585100 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Quran Al Kareem TV Saudi-Arabien Religiös Frei 1 1001 2001 ara        2020-03-29 +
Al Sunnah Al Nabawiyah TV HD unbestimmtes Religiös Frei 2 1002 2002 ara        2020-03-29 +
Saudi TV 1 HD Saudi-Arabien Allgemein Frei 3 1003 2003 ara        2020-03-29 +

Al Ekhbaria Saudi-Arabien Nachrichten Frei 4 1004 2004 ara        2020-03-29 +
Al Thakafeyia Saudi-Arabien Variabel Frei 5 1005 2005 ara        2020-03-29 +
Al Riyadiah Satellite Saudi-Arabien Sport Frei 6 1006 2006 ara        2020-03-29 +
52.5°E 22Yahsat 1A 11766.00V3EastDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 01 KingOfSat charts update form
DC-1 Frei 1 101 102  32  101    2019-07-07
TMTV North Telecom Frei 55 5510 5520  5500  5510    2019-07-07
ITN North Telecom Frei 60 6010 6020 eng  6000  6010    2019-07-07
Persian Series North Telecom Frei 61 6110 6120  6100  6110    2019-07-07
kanal jadid North Telecom Frei 62 6210 6220 eng  6200  6210    2019-07-07
ICC TV North Telecom Frei 63 6310 6320  6300  6310    2019-07-07
Persian Top Toon North Telecom Frei 64 6410 6420  6400  6410    2019-07-07
TooshehTV North Telecom Frei 65 6510 6520
6500  6510    2019-07-07
Chancetel North Telecom Frei 66 6610 6620 eng  6600  6610    2019-07-07
VOX2 TV North Telecom Frei 67 6710 6720 far  6700  6710    2019-07-07
Persian Movie North Telecom Frei 68 6810 6820  6800  6810    2019-07-07
NT Test Card 6 North Telecom Frei 69 6910 6920  1000  6910    2019-07-07
A TV North Telecom Frei 70 7010 7020 far  7000  7010    2019-07-07
Ganje Hozour North Telecom Frei 71 7110 7120 eng  7100  7110    2019-07-07
Didgah TV North Telecom Frei 72 7210 7220 eng  7200  7210    2019-07-07
Khane Honarmandan North Telecom Frei 73 7310 7320 eng  7300  7330    2019-07-07
Persian One TV North Telecom Frei 74 7410 7420  7400  7410    2019-07-07
Persian Classic North Telecom Frei 75 7510 7520  7500  7510    2019-07-07
Tapesh TV North Telecom Frei 77 7710 7720 eng  7700  7710    2019-07-07
VOX 1 TV North Telecom Frei 78 7810 7820 eng  7800  7810    2019-07-07
TIN TV North Telecom Frei 79 7910 7920 eng
7930 eng 
7900  7910    2019-07-07
PN TV North Telecom Frei 80 8010 8020 eng  8000  8010    2019-07-07
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11785.00H4EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/438 Mb/s 1565300 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2018-09-23)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11823.00H6MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/668.2 Mb/s 70226 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2020-01-17)
52.5°E 20Yahsat 1A 11843.00V7MENADVB-SQPSK27500 5/642.2 Mb/s 15 KingOfSat charts update form
DC-1 MicrowaveSoft Frei 1 101 102  32  101    2024-06-21
Zoom (Arabic) unbestimmtes Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 2 2001 2002 ara  2000  2001    2024-03-02 +
Al Ahwaz TV Iran Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 3 3001 3002 far  3000  3001    2024-03-02 +
Marjaeyat TV HD unbestimmtes Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 4 4001 4002  4000  4001    2024-03-11 +
Alwilayah unbestimmtes Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 5 5001 5002 aac ara  5000  5001    2024-03-22 +
Alabasiya Alhussainia TV unbestimmtes Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 6 6001 6002 aac ara  6000  6001    2024-03-02 +
European Shia TV unbestimmtes Religiös MicrowaveSoft Frei 7 7001 7002 ara  7000  7001    2024-03-02 +
247 Music unbestimmtes Musik MicrowaveSoft Frei 8 8001 8002 aac far  8000  8001    2024-03-02 +
Ghion TV unbestimmtes Variabel Frei 9 910 920 aac  4096  910    2024-03-08 +
Gulf Movies unbestimmtes Kino MicrowaveSoft Frei 10 1010 1020 aac  4096  1010    2024-03-08 +
Imam Hussein 2 Iran Religiös MicrowaveSoft Frei 11 1110 1120 eng  1100  1110    2024-05-02 +
Tibeb Ybrah Ethopien Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 12 1210 1220  1200  1210    2025-02-15 +
Dedebit TV Australien Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 13 1310 1320  1300  1310    2025-02-15 +
Assena TV unbestimmtes Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 14 1410 1420  1400  1410    2024-10-16 +
ONM Ethopien Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 15 1510 1520  1500  1510    2025-02-15 +
Axumawian TV Ethopien Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 16 1610 1620 amh  1600  1610    2024-10-19 +
Zemede Media unbestimmtes Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 18 1810 1820 aac  1800  1810    2025-03-22 +
Tigray TV unbestimmtes Variabel MicrowaveSoft Frei 19 1910 1920 ara  1900  1910    2025-03-24 +
DW International Ethopien Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 20 2010 2020 eng  2000  2010    2025-03-24 +
TBS TV Allgemein MicrowaveSoft Frei 21 2110 2120  2100  2110    2025-03-24 +
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11861.00H8MENADVB-SQPSK27500 3/459.9 Mb/s 01 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-06-02)
52.5°E 18Yahsat 1A 11881.00V9EastDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 16 KingOfSat charts update form
GEM Food unbestimmtes Küche Frei 14 1410 1420  1400  1410    2023-04-11 +
GEM Fit unbestimmtes Sport Frei 15 1510 1520  1500  1510    2023-04-15 +
Rubix unbestimmtes Variabel Frei 16 1610 1620  1600  1610    2023-04-11 +
River unbestimmtes Variabel Frei 17 1710 1720  1700  1710    2023-04-11 +
GEM Life unbestimmtes Lebensstil Frei 18 1810 1820  1800  1810    2023-04-15 +
GEM Bollywood unbestimmtes Kino Frei 19 1910 1920  1900  1910    2023-04-11 +
GEM Classic England Unterhaltung Frei 20 2010 2020  2000  2010    2023-04-11 +
GEM Series unbestimmtes Serien Frei 21 2110 2120  2100  2110    2023-04-11 +
GEM Travel unbestimmtes Tourismus Frei 22 2210 2220  2200  2210    2023-04-11 +
GEM Junior unbestimmtes Jugend Frei 23 2310 2320  2300  2310    2023-04-11 +
GEM Arabia unbestimmtes Allgemein Frei 24 2410 2420  2400  2410    2023-04-11 +
GEM TV England Unterhaltung Frei 25 2510 2520  2500  2510    2023-04-11 +
GEM Academy unbestimmtes Unterhaltung Frei 26 2610 2620  2600  2610    2023-04-15 +
GEM Kids unbestimmtes Jugend Frei 28 2810 2820  2800  2810    2023-04-11 +
GEM Az unbestimmtes Allgemein Frei 29 2910 2920  2900  2910    2023-04-11 +
GEM Film unbestimmtes Kino Frei 30 3010 3020  3000  3010    2023-04-11 +
GEM Drama unbestimmtes Serien Frei 34 2710 2720  2700  2710    2023-04-11 +
GEM Pixel unbestimmtes Unterhaltung Frei 40 4010 4020  4000  4010    2023-04-15 +
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11900.00H10EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-07-11)
52.5°E 5Yahsat 1A 11938.00H12EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Sendername Land Kategorie Pakete Codierung SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Letzte Aktualisierung
Abu Dhabi TV Abu Dhabi Allgemein Yahlive 6 Frei 441 100 101 eng  67  100    2019-03-25 +
AD Nat Geo Yahlive 6 Frei 442 400 401 eng  67  400    2019-03-25
AD Sports 1 Yahlive 6 Frei 443 300 301 eng
302 eng 
69  300    2019-03-25
Al Emarat Yahlive 6 Frei 444 200 201 eng  70  200    2019-03-25
YAS Sports Abu Dhabi Sport Yahlive 6 Frei 446 500 501 eng
502 eng 
71  500    2019-03-25 +
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11958.00V13EastDVB-SQPSK27500 7/8NAN b/s 107040301 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-10-01)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11977.00H14MENADVB-S2QPSK27500 8/9YAHSAT, 48.6 Mb/s 52514 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-01-01)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 11996.00V15EastDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 1566400 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2018-09-23)
52.5°E 21Yahsat 1A 12015.00H16EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4YAHSAT, 923 b/s 5254 KingOfSat charts update form
Shamshad Variabel Yahlive 5 Frei 1604 48 47 afg  32  48    2024-07-28 +
Tamadon TV Allgemein Yahlive 5 Frei 1614 43 33  276  43    2024-07-28 +
Noor TV Afghanistan Variabel Yahlive 5 Frei 1615 615 715 afg  115  615    2024-07-28 +
Chekad TV Variabel Yahlive5 Frei 1616 50 45 afg  35  50    2024-07-28 +
Zhwandoon TV Variabel Yahlive 5 Frei 1620 620 720 afg  120  620    2024-07-28 +
Arezo TV HD Variabel Yahlive5 Frei 1622 38 46 afg  73  38    2024-07-28 +
ATN News Nachrichten Yahlive5 Frei 1626 626 726 afg  126  626    2024-07-28 +
ATN Afghanistan Allgemein Yahlive5 Frei 1627 627 727 afg  127  627    2024-07-28 +
RTA HD Allgemein yahlive5 Frei 1630 42 41 afg  40  42    2024-07-28 +
RTA News HD Nachrichten Yahlive5 Frei 1631 51 49 afg  44  51    2024-07-28 +
RTA Sport HD Sport Harmonic Frei 1632 54 53 afg  52  54    2024-07-28 +
RTA Education HD Kulturell Yahlive5 Frei 1634 64 63 afg  62  64    2024-07-28 +
RTA EDUCATION RADIO Yahlive5 Frei 1635 67 66  65  67    2024-07-28
RTA NATIONAL RADIO Yahlive5 Frei 1638 58 57  56  58    2024-07-28
RTA SHARIAT RADIO Yahlive5 Frei 1639 61 60  59  61    2024-07-28
Salam Watandar FM Yahlive 5 Frei 1705   718  118  718    2024-07-28
Zhwandoon FM Yahlive 5 Frei 1706   721  121  8191    2024-07-28
Ariana FM Yahlive5 Frei 1708   731  128  8191    2024-07-28
Shamshad FM Yahlive 5 Frei 1709   630  130  630    2024-07-28
Radio Killid Yahlive5 Frei 1725   37  36  8191    2024-07-28
Arezo FM Yahlive5 Frei 1728   39  34  8191    2024-07-28
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12034.00V17EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4DEMIROREN MEDYA, 42.2 Mb/s 663 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-10-01)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12054.00H18MENADVB-S28PSK27500 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 61.3 Mb/s 131 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2025-03-11)
52.5°E 22Yahsat 1A 12073.00V19EastDVB-SQPSK27500 5/6NAN b/s 13 KingOfSat charts update form
MARJAEYAT TV North Telecom Frei 19 1901 1902 eng  1900  8175    2024-05-09
IMAM HUSSEIN 1 SD North Telecom Frei 20 2001 2002 eng  2000  2001    2024-05-09
TAPESH TV North Telecom Frei 28 2810 2820  2800  2810    2024-05-09
CHANNEL ONE North Telecom Frei 31 3110 3120  3100  3110    2024-05-09
ONM NorthTelecom Frei 32 3210 3220 eng  3200  3210    2024-05-09
ASSENA North Telecom Frei 33 3310 3320  3300  3310    2024-05-09
TBS North Telecom Frei 34 3410 3420 eng  3400  3410    2024-05-09
NOUR TV North Telecom Frei 36 3610 3620 far  3600  3610    2024-05-09
IRAN INTERNATIONAL Frei 43 4310 4320  4300  4310    2024-05-09
NT TESTCARD 3 NorthTelecom Frei 45 4510 4520  4500  4510    2024-05-09
DWI North Telecom Frei 46 4610 4620  4600  4610    2024-05-09
GANJE HOZOUR 2 NorthTelecom Frei 47 4710 4720 eng  4700  4710    2024-05-09
IMAM HUSSEIN 1 HD North Telecom Frei 48 4810 4820 eng  4800  4810    2024-05-09
BEITOLABBAS NorthTelecom Frei 50 5010 5020  5000  5010    2024-05-09
MI TV NorthTelecom Frei 52 5210 5220  5200  5210    2024-05-09
TIGRAY TV NorthTelecom Frei 56 5610 5620  5600  5610    2024-05-09
Dedebit TV Frei 57 5710 5720 eng  5700  5710    2024-05-09
PAYAM-E-AFGHAN NorthTelecom Frei 70 7010 7020  7000  7010    2024-05-09
Oromia 11 Ethopien Allgemein Frei 71 7110 7120  7100  7110    2024-05-09 +
CITY TV NorthTelecom Frei 90 3131 3132  3130  3131    2024-05-09
DR. ALIAKBARI Frei 91 3141 3142  3140  3141    2024-05-09
TIGRAI RADIO Frei 80   8010 eng  32  8191    2024-05-09
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12092.00H20MENADVB-S232APSK32000 Auto 702318 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-11-04)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12111.00V21EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/433.9 Mb/s 2121 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2020-02-18)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12130.00H22MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/668.2 Mb/s 52522 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-02-24)
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12149.00V23EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-03-25)
52.5°E 8Yahsat 1A 12169.00H24MENADVB-S28PSK27500 5/6Yahsat 1A TP24, 68.2 Mb/s 52524 KingOfSat charts update form
Star World HD unbestimmtes Unterhaltung DU Irdeto 2 1 401 402 eng  410  401    2021-09-18 +
Star Movies HD unbestimmtes Kino DU Irdeto 2 2 421 422 eng  420  421    2020-02-18 +
Baby TV HD Europe U.S.A. Jugend DU Irdeto 2 3 431 432 eng  430  431    2020-02-18 +
Fox Action Movies HD U.S.A. Kino DU Irdeto 2 7 471 472 eng  470  471    2021-09-18 +
National Geographic HD Middle-East U.S.A. Dokumentarfilme DU Irdeto 2 15 4151 4152 eng
4153 eng 
4150  4151    2023-01-04 +
Nat Geo Wild HD Asia U.S.A. Dokumentarfilme DU Irdeto 2 16 4161 4162 eng
4163 eng 
4160  4161    2023-01-04 +
Disney Channel Middle-East & Africa Dubai Jugend DU Irdeto 2 24 4171 4172 eng
4173 eng 
4170  4171    2023-12-19 +
Disney Junior Middle-East & Africa England Jugend DU Irdeto 2 25 4181 4182 eng
4183 eng 
4180  4181    2023-12-19 +
52.5°E Yahsat 1A 12188.00V25EastDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4NAN b/s 669 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-10-01)

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