2024-03-20 18:49:17 | lepointeur (-,120cm) ? Signal très bon
2021-09-20 09:36:24 | SateliteDudette (51.8N-10.6W,100cm) 89% and 83% signals in Kerry Southwestern Ireland on 2 satellites positioned on a multi LNB setup 1 meter and 90cm dishes, also all channels including RTG and Karusel coming in on those dishes as well as a 1.1meter dish pointed at 10e with 95% signal!!! :3
2020-05-13 16:52:06 | Mikhail32 (52.4N-37.8E,80cm) Good signal
2020-05-13 06:45:07 | Mikhail32 (-,80cm) Center Russia, good signal, antenna 80cm
2019-09-27 11:02:48 | simsimalex (32.7N-29.7E,70cm) ? 92% - Egypt 70cm
2019-04-03 16:37:39 | jsat@xgr (41.1N-24.5E,80cm) Very strong signal.
2019-03-20 05:32:38 | misha67m@yandex (52.8970-37.1859,80cm) very good reception 79 % signal
2017-08-09 15:09:45 | sgtpepper (51.9N-0.4E,60cm) Using a 50cm dish by SelfSat. Only QPSK (not 8PSK)
2017-06-22 14:37:16 | mtt484 (-,90cm) ? Moscow, signal very good, 82%
2016-03-10 15:51:00 | manosfk (34.9N-25.9E,180cm) ? Good reception 17 db